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Zalith Launcher is an unofficial app that lets you play Minecraft Java Edition on Android devices. It allows players to enjoy the full version of Minecraft, including mods, resource packs, and multiplayer, all on a mobile device. The goal of the launcher is to bring the PC experience of Minecraft Java Edition to Android users in an easy and accessible way.

Why Was Zalith Launcher Created?

Zalith Launcher was made by a group of Minecraft fans and developers who wanted to bring the Java Edition experience to mobile users. They saw that Minecraft Java Edition was not available on Android and wanted to fix that.

With Zalith Launcher, players can:

  • Use mods, shaders, and resource packs to customize the game.
  • Play on Minecraft multiplayer servers and LAN with friends.
  • Enjoy all the Java-based features that are different from Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition.

Zalith Launcher was created to give mobile users the same freedom and customization that PC players enjoy. It helps fill the gap for those who want to experience Minecraft Java Edition on the go.

Special Thanks

This project uses several useful code libraries. Special thanks to them!

Code Libraries Used by PojavLauncher

Additional Code Libraries Used by Zalith Launcher